Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Starting the Journey

Welcome to the blog for our new faith exploration journey!

Here's how our group is going to work.

First, those of us in the area covenant together to meet face to face once a month, on the 4th Tuesday of each month, beginning on February 24, 2009. We'll start at 6:30 PM, and end at 8 PM. Each gathering will include a "check in" time to get us started, acquainted, and back in touch with one another, an "input time" that will focus mostly on a new "Living the Questions" series that we'll partner with some Bible study and other tools, and a "journaling" assignment designed to keep us engaged with our journey between our meeting times.

Second, we also covenant together to check in on this site at least weekly. The discussion here will be aimed at continuing and enhancing our conversation between meetings. I will post something (a biblical reflection, some ideas for further thought, or some other related item) at least once a week to attempt to keep the fires burning, and the rest of the group is free to comment, either in response to what's posted, or what we took away from our last meeting, or our reaction to what someone else has posted. Everyone is free, of course, to post nothing at all, but we have all agreed to check in at least once a week to see what others are thinking. At our meeting on the 24th, we'll show everyone how this will work.

There are a few folks from our church family who are at some distance but who want to be part of the conversation. Our intention is to invite them to share the experience with us as much as they can.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!


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